Spring Classes

As the days brighten, the clocks move forward to BST, and the weather warms up (in fits and starts), we in the UK are moving towards fewer restrictions as Covid-19 vaccines begin to tip the balance towards something approaching our normal lives. Roll on 2021!

Outdoor activities will be resuming soon, closely followed by personal training/household access to indoor gyms.

Group exercise will have to wait until 17th May, at the earliest, before we can restart our classes indoors – and we will need to follow the social-distancing, class size restrictions and other Covid-Safety guidelines we had in place in late summer last year.

I am beginning to negotiate schedules with the venues I used pre-pandemic, and with those that I used during our brief window in 2020 when we did have some in-person classes. A lot has changed, and so I can’t necessarily hire the rooms I used to in 2019.

And the timetable that runs smoothly on-line is unlikely to translate to in-person classes. (I must remember to factor in travelling time for driving between venues!).

I will return to some classes at Eastburn Fitness Centre, at Grassington Town Hall, and, fingers crossed, Sandylands Fitness Centre & Gym.

As well as Eastburn, Grassington, and Skipton, I hope to have classes nearer to home in Bingley too. And I am planning to continue with online sessions – live or catch up on-demand – so if you can’t make an in-person session, we can carry on making progress on our health and wellbeing together.

In the meantime, this is my online class schedule for April into the first week of May.

 In addition, there are on-demand virtual Zumba classes posted daily at: https://www.zumba.com/en-US/profile/wendy-hall/1140484

Any questions or queries – or ideas for future venues! – use the contact form to get in touch.

Stay well, my friends, we are so close to getting back together!


April Arms (& more) Challenge


March 30 Day Squat Challenge